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ROMS Tenure-Track Mentoring Program (February 2021)

The ROMS mentoring program for tenure-track faculty aims to provide robust support for Assistant Professors as they integrate into the department, launch their research and teaching at UNC, and make progress toward tenure.

The program includes committee mentoring and one-on-one mentoring components.

Committee Mentoring:

  • The TT Mentoring Committee consists of 3-4 appointed tenured faculty members and all Assistant Professors in the department. The committee meets once a semester to discuss a wide range of topics related to professional development and life in the department.

One-on-One Mentoring:

  • Each new Assistant Professor will be assigned three mentors suggested by the tenured members of the TT Mentoring Committee. Two of the mentors will be in ROMS (when possible, of different ranks and in different language sections) and the third will be from another department at UNC. In making mentor assignments, the committee will aim to will take into consideration any relationships the Assistant Professor may have formed during the interview process as well as any particular mentoring needs or requests that the new faculty member may have expressed at the time of hire (e.g., request for a mentor with experience balancing the tenure track and parenthood or for a mentor from a specific identity community, etc.). Mentor assignments can be revised or terminated at the request of the Assistant Professor or the mentor by communicating with the chair of the TT Mentoring Committee and/or the chair of the department.
  • The Mentoring Committee suggests that Assistant Professors and their mentors clearly discuss meeting frequency (frequency, duration, and location of meetings) and goals (what you hope to achieve as a result of this relationship: e.g., gain perspective relative to skills necessary for success in academia, obtain knowledge of organizational culture, networking, finding funding resources, selecting and placing articles in academic journals, publishing manuscripts, leadership skill development, etc.). Mentor-mentee pairs may wish to write a mentoring agreement to ensure that their mutual expectations are clear and well aligned.
