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Course Projection, Scheduling, and Registration Calendar 

Each language section should maintain a 3-year course projection plan for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses to ensure a good rotation of course offerings. The projection plan should ideally be drafted collaboratively by the TT faculty and undergraduate advisors and should be stored in an accessible location such as OneDrive. This plan serves as the basis for semester-by-semester course selections, updated and revised according to current curriculum needs, faculty availability, etc. 

A note on enrollment caps: Language sequence courses should be capped at 18-19. Upper-level undergraduate courses should be capped at no more than 20 for SPAN, 18 for other language sections, except for First Year Seminars and designated “large courses.” Requests to over-ride a cap must be approved both by the course instructor and by the appropriate undergraduate advisor. The undergraduate advisor will authorize the Undergrad Student Services Specialist to over-enroll when deemed appropriate. 

For Spanish teaching track faculty interested in teaching upper-level courses: Upper-level courses may be assigned to teaching-track faculty based on availability of courses. Any teaching-track faculty member who wishes to be considered to teach upper-level courses may submit a complete syllabi for any special-topics course (SPAN 338, 340, 344, 371, or 373) to the Spanish Undergrad Program Coordinator at any time but at least one year before the course would be taught. The UGAC will review the syllabi and will decide which course(s) will be taught in any given semester, based on program needs. The committee will make sure that there is a rotation among teaching-track faculty so all those who want to teach an upper-level course can do so. All submitted syllabi will be kept on file and will be used to determine course assignments should the need arise for a teaching faculty to teach one of these courses in a later semester. Courses only need to be submitted once to be included in the “bank” of possible offerings for future semesters. 


September 1 – Proposals for First Year Seminars (FYS) for next academic year due to section undergrad advisor (FREN, ITAL, PORT) or Undergrad Program Coordinator (SPAN) 

September 1 – Survey for Spanish teaching-track faculty teaching assignments for the upcoming Spring semester 

September 15 – Department’s four FYS offerings for next academic year due from Chair to Associate Dean for First Year Curricula 

September 15 – Teaching-track faculty teaching assignments for the upcoming Spring semester confirmed 

October 1 – Syllabi for the department’s pre-approved and pre-scheduled FYS’s for the upcoming Spring due in the online portal (

October 15 – Course schedule for next Fall (including instructor name for courses above 204, days/times, enrollment cap, and any special room requirements) due to section’s scheduling point person.  

Breakdown of responsibilities for Spanish 

Courses  Responsible  Scheduling point-person 
SPAN 101-204  Spanish Language Director   

Spanish Undergrad Program Coordinator 


SPAN 255-301  Spanish Undergrad Program Coordinator 
SPAN for Professions (SPAN 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329)  SPAN for Professions Minor Advisor 
SPAN Translation (SPAN 351, 352, 369, 370)    SPAN Translation Minor Advisor 
SPAN courses above 301, excluding Spanish for Professions and Translation SPAN Grad Advisor 


Throughout October – Advertise courses offerings for upcoming Spring in advance of early November registration 

Mid-November – Language directors make GTF teaching assignments for the upcoming Spring

November 20 – Reviewed and collated schedules for each section for next Fall due to Undergraduate Student Services Specialist and Chair 



January 20 – Survey for Spanish teaching-track faculty teaching assignments for the upcoming Fall semester 

February 15 – Teaching-track faculty teaching assignments for the upcoming Fall semester confirmed 

March 1 – Syllabi for the department’s pre-approved and pre-scheduled FYS’s for the upcoming Fall due in the online portal (

Mid-March – Language directors make GTF teaching assignments for the upcoming Fall

Throughout March – Advertise courses offerings for upcoming Fall in advance of early April registration 

April 1 – Course schedule for next Spring (including instructor name for courses above 204, days/times, enrollment cap, and any special room requirements) due to section’s scheduling point person.  

Breakdown of responsibilities for Spanish 

Courses  Responsible  Scheduling point-person 
SPAN 101-204  Spanish Language Director   


 Spanish Undergrad Program Coordinator 



SPAN 255-301  Spanish Undergrad Program Coordinator 
SPAN for Professions (SPAN 320, 321, 323, 324, 325, 328, 329)  SPAN for Professions Minor Advisor 
SPAN Translation (SPAN 351, 352, 369, 370)    SPAN Translation Minor Advisor 
SPAN courses above 301, excluding Spanish for Professions and Translation SPAN Grad Advisor 


April 20 – Reviewed and collated schedules for each section for next Spring due to Undergraduate Student Services Specialist and Chair 

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